Tubothal® metallic heating elements of cartridge type

Metallic heating elements of cartridge element type designed for long life and trouble-free service. Tubothal® heating elements are available in standard dimensions from 68 to 170 mm (2.6 to 6.6 inch) diameter and can be supplied in almost any length. Tubothal® elements can be used inside all types of radiant tubes or as stand-alone elements.


Superior power output

Tubothal® heating elements are capable at operating at a far higher power output than conventional cartridge heating elements.

With a power output up to 45 kW/m (12.2 LW/ft) length, a single Tubothal® heating element may be capable of replacing up to three heating elements of standard design, leading to major savings in replacement and maintenance costs.

Tubothal® heating elements combined with Kanthal® APMT/Kanthal® APM radiant tubes allow for higher power rating than any other metallic heating system available on the market. This combination also results in a practically maintenance-free production. Read more about Kanthal® furnace tubes

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