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50 hits

50 hits on 4a6267d00f4947c09513ae044b3768c3.aspx?category=diffusion cassettes in entire website

Horizontal and vertical diffusion cassettes

diffusion cassettes, silicon wafer, vertical diffusion cassettes, semiconductor crystalline wafer, semiconductor crystalline wafer orientation, horizontal ... horizontal diffusion cassette, crystalline wafer Semiconductor furnaces use "horizontal" or "vertical" orientation based on wafer size, automation level, and

Light gauge diffusion cassettes

Light gauge cassettes, with thin wire sinusoidal patterns, are essential for precise diffusion in semiconductor manufacturing, ideal for low-temperature

Diffusion furnaces

Diffusion cassettes for diffusion furnaces for crystalline silicon wafer production.

Heavy gauge diffusion cassettes

Heavy gauge cassettes featuring larger gauge resistance wire hot-formed into cylindrical shapes offer consistent and reliable heating with varying zones

Fibrothal® diffusion cassettes

Diffusion cassettes securely hold wafers during semiconductor manufacturing, facilitating precise dopant introduction and temperature/time control.

Solar cells

Diffusion cassettes for the manufacturing of crystalline silicon wafers for solar cells (photovoltaic cells).