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How to form a strip heating element

Welcome into our element workshop where we meet Stephen Smee and Kanthal material expert, Torbjörn Frankén. Together they walk us through how to form a Kanthal AF strip element, what to think about and what to watch out for. For more “How to” videos, follow our YouTube channel. In short:

Kanthal expands production capacity in Germany to meet electrification demand

KANTHAL EXPANDS PRODUCTION CAPACITY IN GERMANY TO MEET ELECTRIFICATION DEMAND A growing demand for electrification within several industries like steel, solar and semiconductors makes Kanthal to expand its production site in Walldorf, Germany. The aim of the investment is to capture the growth

Extreme temperatures and cognitive biases — overcoming barriers to electrification

The potential to accomplish all industrial processes with electricity is within reach, decarbonization expert Michael Barnard explains in an exclusive interview.

Climate Conundrum: The time to act is now

Climate change and the transition to a low-carbon future are the greatest challenges facing the steel industry now and in the coming decades. Industry players are seeking to make the switch to more climate-smart steel production.

How to form a coiled heating element

Are you curious to know how to make a coiled heating element, why nichrome is non-magnetic, or why the same heating wire can have different color? Welcome into our element workshop where we meet Stephen Smee and Kanthal material expert, Torbjörn Frankén who walk us through everything you

There’s nowhere else I would want to go

Want a career and a workplace dominated by great team spirit and a lot of problem-solving tasks? Do like Kanthal process engineers Bryony Harper and Helena Lockie.

Four industry voices about electric heating

Electric heating can have a positive impact on industry’s carbon footprint, according to answers from four industry representatives.

How electric heating can improve health and safety in steel manufacturing

While electric heating has benefits for the steel manufacturing process itself, it also excels in making the work environment safer and healthier.

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