15 hits

15 resultados"all pages" en Campaigns

Upgrading steel industry safety

Level up your steel manufacturing safety with electric heating solutions and experience a healthier, cleaner working environment for you and your team.

Lead the steel industry decarbonization

Be the hero of sustainable steel production by harnessing the power of electric heating technology.

Next level high quality steel production

Electric heating processes for your steel production will level up your productivity and enable guaranteed high quality steel manufacturing.

Modernizing your steel manufacturing process

By heating steel with electricity, you completely eliminate waste heat, reduce energy costs and revolutionize your steel manufacturing process.

La historia de Kanthal

El impresionante desarrollo que hemos visto desde la década de 1930 no habría sucedido sin nuevas ideas, investigación y productos y soluciones innovadores. Kanthal nace junto con la innovadora aleación FeCrAl de Kanthal® que cambió la forma en que se podía usar

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