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Gas or electric: which is best for glass annealing lehrs?

Using electric heating instead of traditional gas, controlled temperature and even distribution is achieved after the forming process of glass annealing lehrs.

Container glass

Whether it’s electric heating tailored for annealing lehrs or forehearth furnaces, Kanthal’s electric heating systems offer superior temperature control, a reduced carbon footprint and unparalleled efficiency. And with gas prices skyrocketing, there’s no reason not to go electric. Whether it’s

Keep production flowing in fusion-manufactured display glass

Explore Kanthal's fusion display glass solutions for high-quality flat glass manufacturing and advanced display technology.

Flat glass

With flat glass, precise temperature control, heating element longevity and reliability are key factors when choosing heating elements. Kanthal’s electric offer provides this, and with it comes a more quiet and clean work environment with significantly lower CO2 emissions. With flat glass,

Suspended element type

Content: Suspended coils Suspended straight wires and ribbons Open mica elements Zigzag elements Porcupine elements Coils immersed in water The wire is suspended freely between insulated points and is exposed to the mechanical stress caused by its own weight, its own spring force and in some

Supported element type

Content: Ceramic cartridge elements Other ceramic elements Quartz tube heaters Bead insulated coils String elements The wire, normally in coil form, is situated on the surface, in a groove or a hole of the electrical insulating material. Generally Kanthal® AE, Kanthal® AF and Nikrothal®

A decade in the making: Kanthal and Swerim’s electric gas heater

Together with the metals research institute Swerim, Kanthal has tested an electric gas heater for the last decade. The heater is aimed at numerous applications and industries, and both parties agree that a project like this can lead to significant benefits for these industries.

Furnaces & kilns

High temperature, custom furnaces and heating equipment for ceramic and glass applications with operating temperatures up to 1800°C (3272°F). To be able to withstand the high temperatures needed for ceramic & glass applications, Thermaltek custom furnaces and kilns feature a low thermal

6 reasons why renewable electricity is growing

Fossil-fuel free electricity will grow exponentially over the next few years, while fossil fuels become more expensive and battery storage capacity is increasing.

Pre-heating transport and bath ladles

For the multiple heating stages in the drying process in cathode production, Fibrothal® heating modules from Kanthal offer excellent heat uniformity and fast installation.

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