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Everything you need to know about electric furnace maintenance

Do electric furnaces need maintenance? Although minimal, yes indeed, and there are a few key things to think about. Together with Stephen Smee, our material expert Torbjörn walks us through everything you need to know about how to service an electric furnace to keep it hot and well for as long

Finding the right heating solution for glass tempering furnaces

For glass tempering furnaces, temperature control over different heating zones is crucial, and Kanthal can deliver solutions for precise heat and reliability.

Kanthal presents the road towards fossil fuel-free heating processes at Thermprocess

How can electric heating decarbonize industrial heat treatment processes? At Thermprocess – the world’s biggest exhibition for innovative technologies for industrial thermoprocessing plants – Kanthal will showcase electric heating as a viable solution that industries can benefit from already

Why heating is key to producing high-quality optical fiber cables

Sintering of optical fibers is crucial since the fiber optic cables need to be developed with a specific refractive index to be able to transmit wavelengths.

Why forehearth furnaces are returning to electric heating

With decades of experience in forehearth furnace elements, Kanthal offers an electric solution delivering higher efficiency and superior temperature control.

Gas or electric: which is best for glass annealing lehrs?

Using electric heating instead of traditional gas, controlled temperature and even distribution is achieved after the forming process of glass annealing lehrs.

Container glass

Whether it’s electric heating tailored for annealing lehrs or forehearth furnaces, Kanthal’s electric heating systems offer superior temperature control, a reduced carbon footprint and unparalleled efficiency. And with gas prices skyrocketing, there’s no reason not to go electric. Whether it’s

Keep production flowing in fusion-manufactured display glass

Explore Kanthal's fusion display glass solutions for high-quality flat glass manufacturing and advanced display technology.

Flat glass

With flat glass, precise temperature control, heating element longevity and reliability are key factors when choosing heating elements. Kanthal’s electric offer provides this, and with it comes a more quiet and clean work environment with significantly lower CO2 emissions. With flat glass,

A decade in the making: Kanthal and Swerim’s electric gas heater

Together with the metals research institute Swerim, Kanthal has tested an electric gas heater for the last decade. The heater is aimed at numerous applications and industries, and both parties agree that a project like this can lead to significant benefits for these industries.

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