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Webinar: Unlock the future of fossil-free steel production

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Live webinar: Unlocking the future of fossil-free steel production

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How to form a coiled heating element

Are you curious to know how to make a coiled heating element, why nichrome is non-magnetic, or why the same heating wire can have different color? Welcome into our element workshop where we meet Stephen Smee and Kanthal material expert, Torbjörn Frankén who walk us through everything you

Foam glass

With its focus on recycling glass and turning it into insulation, the foam glass industry is already on the right path. Still, CO2 emissions are prominent because of the common use of gas burners which offers poor thermal efficiency at around 30 percent – compared to 90 percent thermal

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Long life heating elements for long-life float baths

To achieve an exceptionally smooth finish on flat glass, the float bath process is a necessary step in flat glass manufacturing.

Supercharge your operations

Supercharge your operations. This and other steel industry energy efficiency comparisons make the choice of heating evident.

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